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Switches de rede Dell S3124F Series
Cód: S3124F
Por R$45.866,95
Ou em até 10x de R$ 5.585,68
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S3124F, L3, 24x 1GbE SFP, 2xCombo, 2x 10GbE SFP+ fixed ports, Stacking, IO to PSU air, 1x AC PSU

Sob encomenda: 30 dias após pedido

Dell Networking S-Series 1GbE switches - Data-center-optimized, high-performance 1GbE switches

Data-center-optimized, high-performance 1GbE switches

Optimized for high-performance data center environments, Dell Networking S-Series 1GbE switches:
  • Deliver low latency, superb performance and high density with hardware and software redundancy
  • Offer Active Fabric designs using S- or Z-Series core switches to create a two-tier, 1/10/40 GbE data center network architecture
  • Provide ideal solutions for ToR applications in enterprise, Web 2.0 and cloud service providers’ data center networks
Dell Networking S-Series 1GbE switches - Optimized for the open networking era

Optimized for the open networking era

Get more agility, more choices and lower costs than proprietary networks with select, open-standards-based ON (open networking) switches.
  • Disaggregated-hardware/software solutions bring new levels of freedom and flexibility to your data center.
  • Support for Open Network Install Environment (ONIE) enables zero-touch installation of alternate network operating systems.
  • Your choice of network operating system helps simplify data-center fabric orchestration and automation.
  • A broad ecosystem of applications and tools, open-source and Linux-based, provides more options to optimize and manage your network.



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